Not Much to Report

February 10, 2008

Back at work this week so consequently I haven’t had as much time as in the last few weeks to sit down and blog.  I have managed a few cash sessions though, and the week did go reasonably well.  That said though, I’m finding it harder and harder to get a good game on Full Tilt.  The average VPIP’s are down … I generally wont even consider a table unless the average VPIP is well into the forties.  Often when you sit down too the table is four TAGs and one loose donk, and its just a fight to see who can stack the fish first 🙂  I’m seriously considering diversifying to Absolute and UB.  Why those sites?  Rakeback is the major motivator, however I am still a bit reluctant to play there regularly given the chequered history of those sites.  Not that I have particular concerns about cheating at 50nl and 100nl, but I’m still not 100% comfortable supporting those sites given they weren’t too front up about the cheating scandals.

I’m getting a schedule into order to balance work, play and study 🙂  More details soon, I’m still fine tuning and getting the balance right.